Daniela Chinellato exhibited in Galleria Gagliardi from 2004 to 2005.
Daniela Chinellato creates faces and people and characters with feeling but also with ironic detachment. Her lighthouses, houses and chimneystacks are real features of the landscape about us, but also landmarks in the mind of the artist who created them. Her art is figurative rather than abstract, whether the figures be real or dreamlike or symbolic - like for example a heart or a pair of wings. In any case, she tends to steer clear of abstraction. Every sculpture and every picture stems from deep inside and is her way of expressing meaning. Keeping pace with acquired experience, her art is forever taking new turns and her sculpture is becoming less and less concrete. There is even a tendency towards the conceptual in the curl of smoke ascaping from the chimneystack and barely hinted at by a spring of wire; or again in the lettering of the words in her pictures. Joy in assembling different materials, joy the use of colour, unencumbered spontaneity of texture give her pictures vibrant energy. The range of subject matter and intrinsic cohesion in this artist's work testify to her unique vision of the world. At the same time she manages to create archetypes, thus setting her artwork in the sphere of the universal. Pierina Rizzardi
1992 “artist in residence” presso la San Diego State University USA.
Successivamente collabora con la National Gallery di Harare in Zimbabwe dove incontra gli artisti locali.
Partecipa ad un simposio internazionale in Lituania.
2000: conferenza alla Escuela Nationa de Arte a Lima in Perù.
2006/2008: direzione artistica di un parco di sculture tra Bolzano e Blumau, realizzato da persone portatrici handicap.
2016: progettazione, realizzazione di “con temporay art gallery” in due negozi sfitti di Bolzano con la sua arte cerca di rivoltare le cose per vedere come sono veramente. Il tema da lei affrontato è la perdita dell’equilibrio, il dissolversi delle certezze, la mancanza di stabilità nella vita quotidiana.
"I suoi lavori evocano in modo delicato e al tempo stesso estremamente efficace associazioni fra protezione e abbandono, speranza e perdita." (S. Gamper)
Principali mostre:
2010: Bolzano, Museion at Eurac Tower, “maneggiare con cura”, a cura di L. Ragaglia, F. Carazzato, A. Bortolotti
2009: Bolzano, Time code, “raccontami-erzähle mir” 4 installazioni nella città a cura di L. Ragaglia (Dirett. Museo Arte contemp. Bolzano)
2008: Bolzano, Galleria Goethe2, “Respira”, esposizione e performance (Parallelevent to Manifesta)
Praga (CZ), Galleria Solaris, “Ti vedo”
Bolzano, Hypo Voralberg Leasing, personale
2007: Bolzano, arge/kunst Galerie Museum, “l’arte di invecchiare”, esp. collettiva cura di Sabine Camper e Karin Pernegger
Bolzano, Galleria Goethe2, “crash test”, performance, personale
Ligornetto (CH), Museo Vela, “nulla è immobile”, con N. Lazzarini, personale
2005: Bressanone, Brunico, Ospedali Civici, “l’io consumato” a cura di S. Gamper
1999: Bolzano, Giardini Hotel Laurin - Museion: Museo di Arte Contemporanea, “Luoghi” a cura di Pierluigi Siena, personale
We can say that Daniela Chinellato is an artist with the heart of a child, the mind of a woman that makes treasure of her memories and her experiences of life and the hands with a great wisdom of artist.
With the heart and the imagination of child she gives life to anthropomorphous sculptures that populate fantastic worlds.
With the mind she creates sculptures that surprise, sculptures to be discovered with the game for us that we look them.
Looking through a small window to see cats, hearts, small treasures of glass, small fishes, faces, or to guess if that sculpture is a smaller cabinet rather than a small devil or more column rather than tower or chimney, houses with their own windows, terraces, entrance door, road of access.
They attract us in a game, in which the sculptures become objects with an own life and they have at the same time to allude and to deceive, concealing their nature.
With her experiences and her memories Daniela narrates for us fantastic histories and small poetries on the surfaces of her sculptures as they were pages of a book animated to be read contrarily, ...still playing.
With the hands and the experience of artist Daniela Chinellato creates, through the ceramics complex forms, enriching these of other materials, like iron, bronze, copper and wood.
Sculptures that in every place both inside how external, they fill their own space with lightness and irony.
Isabella Del Guerra, 2009
San Gimignano
From 20/11/2003 to 08/12/2003
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