Davide Tito


Davide Tito exhibited at Galleria Gagliardi in 2008.

Born in Augusta in 1972.
He teaches Artistic Anatomy at the three-year course in Painting and Sculpture for Scenography at the two-year course in Plastic Design for Scenography, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

He trained at the State Institute of Art in Syracuse and continued his artistic career at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, in the school of Sculpture of the artist Salvatore Rizzuti, where he deepened his passion for sculpture. Here he discovered and made his own the ancient technique of terracotta, a material that mainly characterises his artistic production.
Tito has taken part in numerous exhibitions and group shows both in Italy and abroad.

Making art is a serious matter, turning on the light within oneself and allowing others to look into a unique and unrepeatable inner world, is a concession that requires boldness and responsibility.
Just as every world is different in form and language, the idea often springs forth like a sudden flash of lightning, the creative act conveys sensations, memories and feelings onto a "medium" that immediately becomes a screen of the invisible.
The artist continually lets himself be crossed by everything that the world is made of and emanates; he filters, swallows, regurgitates and consumes what is born and comes from it.
A gestation that can sometimes prove more difficult than expected and that only after a pondered wait does it strengthen the result.
A work of nature that summarises the essence of nature itself by contrasting it with a new and different reflection, lightened by the logic of rules and limitations.
The artist makes invention the necessary means to realise the spirit of his own creative essence, to which the senses find subtle and suggestive relational symmetries.                       Davide Tito