2005 - Galleria Gagliardi, Taormina
Monica Borca - 1961 - Italia
Monica Borca is considered, to reason, the best Italian potter for the forms in raku ceramic.
Its search continues in the time to improve the clay and to be able to get more and more difficult forms, so that to realize more and more tall and thin figures that are, for the type of technique and clay, bets against the laws of ceramics.
The attention that Monica Borca also sets to the subjects is very important to understand that further to be a prepared potter is also a person endowed with great interior wealth and particular poetic ability.
In her formal research, she has assembled her refinement on shapes of synthesis, like: "Tao", "Cori", "Contatto", but surely in her sculptures "DARWISHI", "Elemental Women" and "Busti di Donna", Monica Borca reveals all of her greatness and completeness of artist.
Isabella Del Guerra